
"Verba volant, scripta manent", words fly away, writings remain. Horace, the Latin poet, was not mistaken, encouraging the peoples of antiquity to safeguard their knowledge in this way, in order to pass it on to future generations.
The Ecole des Roches is no exception to this duty of remembrance, and still needs as much as ever the small stone that each and every alumnus and alumna can contribute to the preservation of our shared history.
All documents, be they newsletters, letters, photos, albums or notebooks, become increasingly valuable as time goes by. If you have any, don't hesitate to donate them to AERN, who will pass them on to the national archives.
This gesture is part of the consolidation of our history, which, as we all know, ensures our present and our future.
Nathalie Duval has done a remarkable job in this area, and God knows how much we owe her.
So, following his example, let's save these "bits of paper" that are and make us what we are, all over the world.
Olivier MICHEL
(Pines : 197 - 1974)
The Archives Nationales is the depository of the AERN archives. |
The inventory of archives deposited by AERN is now online on the Archives Nationales website! It is a finding aid open to the public via the Internet.
A visit to discover the AERN archives at the Archives Nationales? |
A visit to the French National Archives is in preparation. Before confirming a date, we'd like to know if you'd be interested. |
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