
Façade of the Monnaie de Paris © Monnaie de Paris Gilles Targat
Credit: © Monnaie de Paris Gilles Targat
Façade of the Monnaie de Paris © Monnaie de Paris Gilles Targat
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Kotel de la Monnaie: Nicolas' visit led by Sandra, our guide/lecturer.

29 January 2024 Nicolas Mankowski's visits
Published by Olivier MICHEL
Viewed 416 times

Once again, Nicolas Mankowski and "his" resident lecturer organized a remarkable visit to the Hôtel de la Monnaie, a subtle blend of technology, history great and small, and money of course. How does minting money work? would have said Michel Chevalet, a master of all things.
Despite the biting cold, our group learned all about the history of this superb building opposite the Louvre. Kings have always wanted to hold the purse strings, or keep an eye on the safe to say the least. The visit was divided into three chapters: the materials used to make the coins. How to strike them, and the treasure "warm" behind armoured doors worthy of Fort Knox in the USA!
When it came to minting the blank coin we'd been given, all visitors realized that this was a real job!

Finally, if you're thinking of organizing a heist (bad ideas grow like nettles), grab a ticket to Bordeaux. Since 1965, this is where our "blé", our "flouze", our "tunes", our "oseille" and other "artiche, braise, carbure, douille, foin, grisbi, pèze, trèfle" have been made. As well as, let's not forget, the currencies of other eurozone countries. The Hôtel de la Monnaie is now devoted solely to art.
That said, it's better to play the lottery.

AERN comments : Many thanks to Nicolas for organizing these tours, which are proving a growing success. Once again, the capacity (24 in this case) for the groups was reached.

these visits are open to spouses and friends of alumni.

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