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11 June 2025 The school
Published by Olivier MICHEL
Viewed 339 times

Following its success in 2024, École des Roches is once again organizing the eloquence cup, to be held in May at the Salle des Fêtes in front of all the students.

Stéphane Royo, the school's general secretary, has entrusted the preparation of this event to drama teacher Marie Odile Grinevald and two alumni, Alain Féliciano (Vallon 67-71) and Olivier Michel (Pins 71-74).

The new members have already begun their preparation, which takes place once a week. AERN, through its president, wishes them good luck.

To mark the occasion, an ApéRoches for Alumni will be organized at the École, with the bus departing from Porte Dauphine in the early afternoon, a tour of your home accompanied by a student, and a meal at the École restaurant before the evening.

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